111 results for author: gau_seva

Chemical Composition of Distilled Cow Urine:

Nitrogen (N2, NH2): Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic. Sulphur (S): Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood. Ammonia (NH3): Stabilize bile, mucus and air of body. Stabilizes blood formation.Copper (Cu): Controls built up of unwanted fats. Iron (Fe): Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & hemoglobin. Stabilizes working power. Urea CO(NH2): Affects urine formation and removal. Germicidal. Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3): Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins. Phosphate (P): Helps in removing stones from ...

Real Life Experiences When Treating Persons with Cow Urine

The following are some of my personal experiences treating people with cow urine therapy. A person was suffering with cancer and had been told that they would not survive for long; cow therapy was done on many such cases. Out of the many patients, who were suffering with cancer for the last 4 years, many are now leading a healthy life. In the same way, a diabetes patient who was taking insulin and having a sugar level of 488 or 420 did not have the necessity to take insulin after the treatment of cow urine. In the same way AIDS, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, blood pressure, heart disease, prostrate, piles, etc., also have been cured with this treatment...

Cow Urine can Cure many Diseases By Dr. Virender Kumar Jain

The cow is a mobile medical dispensary. It is the treasure of medicines. Cow urine therapy is capable of curing many curable and incurable diseases. The holy texts, like Atharva Veda, Charaka Samhita, Rajni Ghuntu, Vridha bhagavad, Amritasagar, Bhavaprakash, Sushruta Samhita, etc., contain beautiful description about the medicinal benefits of cow urine. Cow Urine Treatment and Research Center, Indore has conducted a lot of research over the past few years and reached the conclusion that it is capable of curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS, piles, prostrate, arthritis, ...

Panchgavya from Cows

Though there are numerous endowments from vedic cows, her five products are considered to be the most significant for health and spiritual advancement. Milk (दूध): Milk is the foremost and easily recognizable product and can be taken as synonym of cow. If a cow does not give milk, she is treated as of no worth! The cow is nevertheless very much of great worth as she still gives cow dung and urine, which are so important to mankind. According to Ayurveda, cow milk provides special and unique nutrition that cannot be derived from any other type of food. Milk of white cows are beneficial in liver ailments, milk of brown cow has huge effect on all ...

Happy Cows With quotes from A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

The Sanatanist worships cows on religious principles and respects brahmanas [topmost class, the "heads" of society responsible for maintaining religious principles]. The cow's milk is required for the sacrificial fire, and by performing sacrifices the householder can be happy. The cow's calf not only is beautiful to look at, but also gives satisfaction to the cow, and so she delivers as much milk as possible. But in the Kali-yuga, the calves are separated from the cows as early as possible for purposes which may not be mentioned in these pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam. The cow stands with tears in her eyes, the shudra milkman draws milk from the cow ...

The Importance of the Cow in Vedic Culture By Subramanian Swami

Our West-influenced intellectuals sneer at the mention of the cow. The same intellectuals first sneered at yoga. Now it is a fashion to do pranayama at cocktail parties. The arguments in the West for cow slaughter are no more uncontested. They also sneered at our sanyasis as `godmen'. Now they flock to ashrams with their white friends ever since the Beatles. Who knows, they may soon have a cow in their backyards. India has 150 million cows, each of them giving an average of less than 200 litres of milk per year. If they could be fed and looked after, they can give 11,000 litres, as Israeli cows do. That would provide milk for the whole world. The ...

Importance of Worshipping a Holy Cow

When Krishna taught a lesson to the king of heaven Indra by lifting Govardhan, Embarrassed Indra asked for an apology and gifted a cow to please Krishna. There Indra named him as  "Govinda". Krishna was also named “Gopal” because of his service to the cows. Krishna would take the cows in the forests and would even milk cows while in Braj. He treated cows with utmost care. When he would play flute cows would stop eating and start crying. When Krishna went to Mathura cows would not even eat, they were deeply saddened by Krishna’s absence. In the entire tenure of Krishna, you can not ignore the presence and importance of cows. During the attacks ...

The Glories Of Mother Cow

In India from many thousands of years cow is worshiped as mother and has always been given an important place.But at this age the rate of killing of cows is going on increasing day by day.There are 2 main reasons for this:- 1. Today's generation doesn't know the importance of Cow. 2. Today's people doesn't know the benefits obtained from Cow. If we just go on speaking of Glories of cow for days, weeks, months, years then too that much time will not be enough. In Rig Veda it is said,"Gostumatranavidyate". There is no great mother except cow in this whole universe. Our own mother feeds us her breast milk upto 5 yrs. Today's mothers not even feed their ...

Cow as Mother

Irrespective of caste or religion, ancient texts describe seven mothers for human kind as follows: atma-matagurohpatni, brahmaniraja-patnika dhenurdhatritathaprthvi, saptaitamatarahsmrtah One's own mother, the wife of the spiritual master (guru), the wife of a brahmin (or a saint), the wife of a king, the cow, the nurse (care taker), and the earth are known as the seven mothers of a man. One’s own mother and nurse is very much understandable in this context. Earth bears our weight and never rebukes even when we spit and do all non sense. The wife of spiritual master, saint and king help us in gaining spiritual and economic benefits. But why cow? ...

Cow Protection

The term “Cow Protection” brings many meanings to many minds based on faith and culture. Some say “why protection”? Some say “why cows, why not polar bear”? Some get involved in this movement without really knowing “what does it mean and why and how should one do it”? Many believe that humans have souls while animals don’t. So humans are superior and can consume the innocent animals. If GOD wanted us to be superior, he could have made humans survive on stones and woods. Why would He want one of His child (the humans) to butcher His another child (the animals)? How GOD can be a merciful father then? This looks controversial! All of ...

Vedic Indian Cow

An Indian vedic cow or bull is highly adapted to high temperatures and is characterized by a fatty hump, dewlap (hanging fold of loose skin on the neck) and the rounded back part where the back meets the legs. All these bodily features distinguish them immediately from the foreign breeds like Jersey, Holstein, Ayrshire, Guernsey, etc. Indian cow's DNA has amino acid PROLINE at location 67 out of 209 elements. This got converted into HISTIDINE due to mutation caused by migration of Indian cows to the west. Originally, Proline (at position 67) is very firmly attached to its neighbor ISOLEUCINE (at position 66) but Histidine (after mutation) is not that ...